My fat spilled onto the floor and the next morning I went to the Institute. My new husband, Lloyd, said I had rolled off of the bed and became somewhat belligerent while they were trying to load me into the wheelchair. Since I was already there I figured it was time to sand the bump again. It tends to rise up like bored French film students in the summertime. They altered my skin-cinches so any excess fat would sit right, and then they sanded the ugly bump. I was sitting in an efficient chair facing a wall of pamphlets. At this point my chin was bandaged and my cheekbones were still a bit swollen from the lift the previous month, but the pain from when they killed my batwings was totally gone. I was feeling a bit glossy, finding everyone handsome. I remembered the noises that were somehow recorded. I recall that poignant crunch. I can almost see the monitors that make my head look like a rubber stunt-head. The pamphlets funny little drawings jumped out at me. There was this one that stood out from the others. It said:
When I came back to I was extremely thirsty. The Nurse boys all threw me looks that were bold at first and then retreated back to boyish innocence once they tasted me. After my next seven-step surgery plan I’ll make all the little boys clench. It’s just a matter of time and technology and Sharpie marker ink. Jason always needlessly reassured me that what had been done so far was absolutely necessary. He’s a little boy, but he’s also the best on this coast. I know he loves touching me, molding me into his masterpiece. They used my ear lift for their ad in Impressive Lifts Quarterly. During my forehead reshaping they found a hole in my skull and somehow mistakenly cut a nerve, so there is some numbness but it’s not like I go around feeling things with my forehead. Jason told me that I would look twenty-five when everything settled. It was so excited to look my natural age again instead of this misleading bag on a coat rack that’s been skulking around the Valley wearing oversized buggy sunglasses. What I looked forward to was Penny Albert’s face at the next Charity for Whatever Dinner.
As I sat there laughing at the tanned Nurse boys and being gently sat back by the little bitches and sometimes the doctors. I tried to call some one (possibly my daughter, although I can’t imagine why) but found that I didn’t have any pockets. I noticed a band-aid on my arm that wasn’t there before. It had Barney Rubble and Dino and the main guy and his redheaded wife. I passed the time scrunching my toes and trying to breath through my nose, even though they told me not to.
Jason walked in and I didn’t find it strange that he was at least a foot taller than usual. He was looking at me with that love that sculptor’s feel for their finest work. I can’t wait to see the look on your face. You’ve been seeing the same Fin cunt since the divorce, tauting her around like she’s a fucking blue-ribbon show pony. Her face is smooth and fair and her long hair emits morning sunshine. I’ve seen her in magazines, couldn’t be a day over seventeen. We’ll see how that little cocksucker likes it when I’m hotter than she’ll ever be. Even some little bitch raised inside of a glacier with her Finnish genes won’t be able to out-fuck me. Jason said something, but I didn’t catch it.
Are you ready?
What, dear? How did it go?
We haven’t started yet.
But we did, you did Jason-love, I remember it.
I’m sure it’s the juice; you’re juiced up pretty good.
That may be, but I know what I know. If I could lift my arms, I’d touch the bandage.
I said something else about sanding the bump. Jason only smiled like I was frat party rape fodder, silly-talking on the couch that’s been screwed on a million times. My words were as pointless as a translation of a conversation between kittens. Maybe I’d had a flashback of one of the other bump sandings. He continued smiling as two of the bitches came in and pulled powdered white rubber gloves onto his hands. One of the little bitches was grinning at me as if a bird shit in my hair. I tried to say something but the juice was doing its work and I drooled onto my paper bib. That same little bitch let laugh a little slip, scrunching up her little skank face. I made a mental note to follow that bitch home someday and scratch LITTLE BITCH or SKANK BITCH into her car’s hood with my keys. Then one of the Nurse boys came in and started rubbing brown fluid all over my arm with a little round sponge. He only looked up at me once but I made it count. The little son of a bitch didn’t know it yet, but not a month would pass before he'd be eating my pussy.
Just relax.
Jason leaned in and might have kissed my cheek, I couldn’t tell. I could see his black chest hair coming out from his v-neck scrubs. I felt totally unashamed just staring at his face. He had a movie-star head. I could tell he’s going to be a gorgeous older man when he forms his smile lines and his hair streaks with silver. Men have it so easy. After I’m done he’s going to fuck me, for sure. I can tell he’s just waiting until I’m perfect, building up his juice for me. All these little tight body boys are going to cream their pants wishing they could slide inside me. I’m going to fuck every last one of them. I’ll do it on a glass table right in front of you and Penny Albert and every last little Fin bitch.
Then we’ll see who looks ‘worn out’.
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